Reference values of normal liver stiffness in healthy children by two methods: 2D shear wave and transient elastography


Mărginean CO, Meliţ LE, Ghiga DV, Săsăran MO.

Sci Rep. 2020 Apr 29;10(1):7213. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-64320-w.

PMID: 32350349 Free PMC Article

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TE and 2D-SWE are well-documented in studies performed on adults, but those on pediatric patients are limited. The aim of this study was to establish pediatric reference values for liver stiffness using two elastography methods: 2D-SWE and TE. We performed an observational study on 206 healthy children. All children underwent anamnesis, clinical exam, laboratory tests, US exam, TE and 2D-SWE for liver stiffness assessment. The mean liver stiffness value by 2D-SWE for all children was 3.72 ± 0.48 kPa. The mean values ranged between 3.603 ± 0.2678 kPa (3-5 years of age) and 3.774 ± 0.4038 kPa (9-11 years). The reference values varied between 4.1386 kPa (3-5 years of age) and 4.88 kPa (12-15 years). The mean liver stiffness value by TE was 3.797 ± 0.4859 kPa. The values ranged between 3.638 ± 0.4088 kPa (6-8 years of age) and 3.961 ± 0.5695 kPa (15-18 years). The cutoff values varied from 4.4064 kPa (3-5 years of age) to 5.1 kPa (15-18 years). We found a significant positive correlation between E Median values by TE and age [95% CI: 0.1160 to 0.3798, r = 0.2526, p = 0.0002]. Our findings revealed that the mean values of liver stiffness for all children on 2D-SWE and TE were almost identical, 3.72 ± 0.48 kPa versus 3.797 ± 0.4859 kPa.


Figure 1 (A) Aspect of colored map on 2D-SWE (the picture was generate with Logiq Shear Wave Elastography S8 XDclear 2.0 software). (B) Regions of interest on 2D-SWE (the picture was generate with Logiq Shear Wave Elastography S8 XDclear 2.0 software).


Figure 2 E median assessment on TE (the picture was drawn with Logiq S8 XDclear 2.0 software and FibroScan module IPX0).

