Hansmann G, Koestenberger M, Alastalo TP, Apitz C, Austin ED, Bonnet D, Budts W, D'Alto M, Gatzoulis MA, Hasan BS, Kozlik-Feldmann R, Kumar RK, Lammers AE, Latus H, Michel-Behnke I, Miera O, Morrell NW, Pieles G, Quandt D, Sallmon H, Schranz D, Tran-Lundmark K, Tulloh...
Outcomes following prenatal diagnosis of isolated persistent left superior vena cava
Hansmann G, Koestenberger M, Alastalo TP, Apitz C, Austin ED, Bonnet D, Budts W, D'Alto M, Gatzoulis MA, Hasan BS, Kozlik-Feldmann R, Kumar RK, Lammers AE, Latus H, Michel-Behnke I, Miera O, Morrell NW, Pieles G, Quandt D, Sallmon H, Schranz D, Tran-Lundmark K, Tulloh...
Propensity Score Matched Analysis of Cleft Closure in Complete Atrioventricular Septal Defect Repair
Hansmann G, Koestenberger M, Alastalo TP, Apitz C, Austin ED, Bonnet D, Budts W, D'Alto M, Gatzoulis MA, Hasan BS, Kozlik-Feldmann R, Kumar RK, Lammers AE, Latus H, Michel-Behnke I, Miera O, Morrell NW, Pieles G, Quandt D, Sallmon H, Schranz D, Tran-Lundmark K, Tulloh...
Transcatheter closure of ventricular septal defects: preliminary results in children weighing 10 kg or less
Hansmann G, Koestenberger M, Alastalo TP, Apitz C, Austin ED, Bonnet D, Budts W, D'Alto M, Gatzoulis MA, Hasan BS, Kozlik-Feldmann R, Kumar RK, Lammers AE, Latus H, Michel-Behnke I, Miera O, Morrell NW, Pieles G, Quandt D, Sallmon H, Schranz D, Tran-Lundmark K, Tulloh...
Real-Time Ultrasound Guidance for Umbilical Venous Cannulation in Neonates With Congenital Heart Disease
Hansmann G, Koestenberger M, Alastalo TP, Apitz C, Austin ED, Bonnet D, Budts W, D'Alto M, Gatzoulis MA, Hasan BS, Kozlik-Feldmann R, Kumar RK, Lammers AE, Latus H, Michel-Behnke I, Miera O, Morrell NW, Pieles G, Quandt D, Sallmon H, Schranz D, Tran-Lundmark K, Tulloh...
Repeat radiofrequency catheter ablation of atrial tachycardias in patients with congenital heart disease
Hansmann G, Koestenberger M, Alastalo TP, Apitz C, Austin ED, Bonnet D, Budts W, D'Alto M, Gatzoulis MA, Hasan BS, Kozlik-Feldmann R, Kumar RK, Lammers AE, Latus H, Michel-Behnke I, Miera O, Morrell NW, Pieles G, Quandt D, Sallmon H, Schranz D, Tran-Lundmark K, Tulloh...
Fluid challenge and balloon occlusion testing in patients with atrial septal defects
Hansmann G, Koestenberger M, Alastalo TP, Apitz C, Austin ED, Bonnet D, Budts W, D'Alto M, Gatzoulis MA, Hasan BS, Kozlik-Feldmann R, Kumar RK, Lammers AE, Latus H, Michel-Behnke I, Miera O, Morrell NW, Pieles G, Quandt D, Sallmon H, Schranz D, Tran-Lundmark K, Tulloh...
Diverse Right Ventricular Remodeling Evaluated by MRI and Prognosis in Eisenmenger Syndrome With Different Shunt Locations
Hansmann G, Koestenberger M, Alastalo TP, Apitz C, Austin ED, Bonnet D, Budts W, D'Alto M, Gatzoulis MA, Hasan BS, Kozlik-Feldmann R, Kumar RK, Lammers AE, Latus H, Michel-Behnke I, Miera O, Morrell NW, Pieles G, Quandt D, Sallmon H, Schranz D, Tran-Lundmark K, Tulloh...
Cardiopulmonary Exercise Performance in the Pediatric and Young Adult Population Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Cardiopulmonary Exercise Performance in the Pediatric and Young Adult Population Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic D. S. Burstein, J. Edelson, S. O’Malley, M. G. McBride, P. Stephens, S. Paridon,and J. A. BrothersPediatr Cardiol. 2022; 43(8): 1832–1837....
Outcomes following prenatal diagnosis of isolated persistent left superior vena cava
Outcomes following prenatal diagnosis of isolated persistent left superior vena cava Durand I, Hazelzet T, Gillibert A, Parrod C, David N, ElYoussef F, Brehin AC, Barre E. Archives of Cardiovascular Disease 2022;115 (335-347. doi: 10.1016/j.acvd.2022.03.005. ...
Propensity Score Matched Analysis of Cleft Closure in Complete Atrioventricular Septal Defect Repair
Propensity Score Matched Analysis of Cleft Closure in Complete Atrioventricular Septal Defect Repair Edward Buratto, MBBS, PhD, Adrienne Lui, MD, Thomas Hu, MD, Phillip S. Naimo, MD, PhD, Yaroslav Ivanov, MD, PhD, Yves d’Udekem, MD, PhD, Christian P. Brizard, MD, and...
Transcatheter closure of ventricular septal defects: preliminary results in children weighing 10 kg or less
Transcatheter closure of ventricular septal defects: preliminary results in children weighing 10 kg or less Kamran Mirza M, Shaad Abqari, Azam Haseen and Mayank Yadav Take Home Points Patients ≤10kg with least a 3mm tissue rim separating the VSD from the AV or...
Real-Time Ultrasound Guidance for Umbilical Venous Cannulation in Neonates With Congenital Heart Disease
Real-Time Ultrasound Guidance for Umbilical Venous Cannulation in Neonates With Congenital Heart Disease Benjamin W Kozyak, María V Fraga, Courtney E Juliano, Shazia Bhombal, David A Munson, Erik Brandsma, Jason Z Stoller, Ankit Jain, Russell Kesman, Malorie Meshkati,...
Repeat radiofrequency catheter ablation of atrial tachycardias in patients with congenital heart disease
Repeat radiofrequency catheter ablation of atrial tachycardias in patients with congenital heart disease Ulrich Krause et al J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2022;33:943–952 Take Home Points: Atrial tachycardias (AT) in patients with congenital heart disease (CHD)...
Fluid challenge and balloon occlusion testing in patients with atrial septal defects
Fluid challenge and balloon occlusion testing in patients with atrial septal defects. D'Alto M, Constantine A, Chessa M, Santoro G, Gaio G, Giordano M, Romeo E, Argiento P, Wacker J, D'Aiello AF, Sarubbi B, Russo MG, Naeije R, Golino P, Dimopoulos K. Heart. 2022 May...
Diverse Right Ventricular Remodeling Evaluated by MRI and Prognosis in Eisenmenger Syndrome With Different Shunt Locations
Diverse Right Ventricular Remodeling Evaluated by MRI and Prognosis in Eisenmenger Syndrome With Different Shunt Locations. Gong C, He S, Chen X, Wang L, Guo J, He J, Yin L, Chen C, Han Y, Chen Y. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2022 May;55(5):1478-1488. doi:...