Changes in REVEAL risk score in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension treated with macitentan in clinical practice: results from the PRACMA study

Hansmann G, Koestenberger M, Alastalo TP, Apitz C, Austin ED, Bonnet D, Budts W, D'Alto M, Gatzoulis MA, Hasan BS, Kozlik-Feldmann R, Kumar RK, Lammers AE, Latus H, Michel-Behnke I, Miera O, Morrell NW, Pieles G, Quandt D, Sallmon H, Schranz D, Tran-Lundmark K, Tulloh...


Anesthesia in Children With Pulmonary Hypertension: Clinically Significant Serious Adverse Events Associated With Cardiac Catheterization and Noncardiac Procedures

Anesthesia in Children With Pulmonary Hypertension: Clinically Significant Serious Adverse Events Associated With Cardiac Catheterization and Noncardiac Procedures. Stein ML, Staffa SJ, O'Brien Charles A, Callahan R, DiNardo JA, Nasr VG, Brown ML.J Cardiothorac Vasc...

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Accessing Femoral Arteries Less than 3 mm in Diameter is Associated with Increased Incidence of Loss of Pulse Following Cardiac Catheterization in Infants

Accessing Femoral Arteries Less than 3 mm in Diameter is Associated with Increased Incidence of Loss of Pulse Following Cardiac Catheterization in Infants Sachin Tadphale 1, Thomas Yohannan 2, Travis Kauffmann 2, Vinod Maller 3, Vijaykumar Agrawal 3, Hannah Lloyd 4, B...

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X chromosome gene dosage as a determinant of congenital malformations and of age-related comorbidity risk in patients with Turner syndrome, from childhood to early adulthood

X chromosome gene dosage as a determinant of congenital malformations and of age-related comorbidity risk in patients with Turner syndrome, from childhood to early adulthood. Fiot E, Zénaty D, Boizeau P, Haignere J, Dos Santos S, Léger J; French Turner Syndrome Study...

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